About Me

In 1974 I went to Art College and studied Graphic Design and Illustration. I really wanted to be a painter, but my parents thought it wasn’t an easy way to make a living. So after four years at West Sussex College of Art and Design I came up to London and started a long career in Graphic Design.  I really enjoyed working in the field of food packaging and became a specialist in designing labels and packs for food and toiletries.  I did quite a lot of work for Tesco and other Supermarkets, as well as the big brands working in London’s premier design agencies as a full timer or freelance. Eventually I started up my own design company with another designer, Fly Design. We survived for 15 years in an increasingly competitive market; designing new brands, websites, and sales materials, as well as food packaging, for many a business, small, medium and large.

However, I never gave up my dream of being a proper artist! I went to many evening classes over the years practising life drawing and portrait painting. Being in London has also given me the opportunity to visit all the galleries and the numerous exhibitions, looking closely at my favourite artist’s work and honing my own skills! These skills also enabled me to work now and again as an illustrator, which was particularly useful for creating visuals in food packaging.

Now I am concentrating more on my Art; since perfecting my oil painting style over the years I am now looking for commissions for portrait painting. Most of the portraits on this website were done from photos, so sitting for hours not neccessary. I will also continue with still life and works in other media as it takes my fancy! Apart from the work on the website here, you can also see my work at the Bayswater Road Art Exhibition, Pitch 69, in London, every Sunday (when it’s not raining!)

Please feel free to contact me for any design, illustration or painting on the contact form.